Andreas Kronthaler presents the Vivienne Westwood fall winter 2023 collection in Paris. The show is titled TINTWISTLE.
Collection Notes
I long for you
So many questions
I understand vou so much more now
Found the scarf we both were looking for
Reading the books you have been reading
Will play the music we have listened to together so many times
Having you on my lap is everything I would want now
And caressing your face with my nose
What happened was what I needed
You have been my reason and what I have done I have done for you
You liked skateboarders and the bicycle and you want to get rid of cars using public transport as before
You are so cool, so cool darling
When you stroke an animal or water the plants or got hold of my bum it was all the same to you
Autumn begins unnoticed
Nights slowly lengthen,
And little by little, clear winds turn colder and colder, summer's blaze giving way.
My thatch hut grows still.
At the bottom stair, in bunch grass, lit dew shimmers.
Meng Hao-Jan (689-740 A.D.)
In everything we will show, I thought of you and where you came from, from the North of England.
The masturbation skirt', do you remember? From a long time ago. How much we laughed when we made it.
I worked on it again.
The petticoat skirts which were your absolute favourite.
I've made some for you, all different, they're gorgeous, so pretty, so girly, so woman, so really woman.
I used some of our antique fabrics that we collected together to give them a new life, I hope you don't mind.
You once said to me that you can take everything away, just leave me my platform shoes because one can't do without them.
Maybe the most important thing you ever taught me was to put the woman on a pedestal.
Andreas Kronthaler, March 2023 Paris
Andreas Kronthaler for Vivienne Westwood Fall Winter 2023