
Maison Sara Chraibi couture spring summer 2023

January 28, 2023

Masion Sara Chraibi presents the coture spring summer 2023 collection in Paris.

Maison Sara Chraibi Haute Couture Spring-Summer 2023 ©Dominique Maitre Paris France

Collection Notes

Women moving forward in time while carrying heralds of their
past within them, the same as sparks of their forthcoming.

Sheath women summoning their ancestors for the great
mutation of the movement.

The interior is revealed with a structure of overlapped
cords where the previous gestures and the resolute
walk in the present can be guessed.

The garment is interwined and encloses forever in its
new body the lungfull of memory. 


Sara Chraïbi was born in Rabat in 1982 in a cultural and artistic environment. She learned embroidery since childhood from her mother. After architecture studies in Rabat, she moved to Paris for a master degree in philosophy and architecture theory. Once in Paris, her passion for fashion and sewing increased. She was motivated by the desire to enhance her knowledge from know-how to true Moroccan craftmanship. Sara Chraibi created her own fashion brand in 2011.

Her stamp in fashion is known for accuracy, purity of lines and for her multifaceted
embroidery techniques. From Sara's first job as architect, she has kept straight forwardness in her garments' construction.

Her creations have since then intertwined her kaleidoscopic aesthetic while maintaining and focusing on her authentic North African roots, resulting in Mediterranean glamor to celebrate Women at best.
